Life After The State

3440 days ago

So what did I get the ex GF for her wedding present?

I have promised her a paperback cop, but for now as she honeymoons in Sri Lanka, she has a Kindle version of “Life after the State” by my friend Dominic Frisby. You see the ex-GF is marrying a chap (the a’hole) from Euroland. And as such although she is innately conservative if not libertarian there is a danger that her mind will be contaminated by big Government nonsense and money tree worshipping. I cannot let that happen. I doubt that she will be reading Ayn Rand to her children but Dominic is a good start.

Big Government makes its folks less healthy, less wealthy and less happy. There is an alternative as Dominic explains in this wonderfully entertaining book. I would recommend it to all.


3796 days ago

Autumn Statement 2013: What George Osborne should have said... by Dominic Frisby

This is a great piece by my pal Dominic Frisby. It is bang on the money:

Our tax code is 11,000 pages long. That is too long. By about 10,990 pages I'd say. Its size and complexity make blunders and fraud inevitable. 

But it's worse than that.  Our system of tax is immoral, it is inconsistent and it creates inequality. 

So I am simplifying it. Here's how. 

Why should the individual worker pay more tax than the company? Why should the multi-national corporation with an army of accountants employed solely to deal with the taxman receive better treatment than the local small businessman? Why should any group receive special favour? That is not capitalism, that is not socialism, it is not social democracy - it is crony capitalism. 
